Getting Started
There's several examples online of what you can do with BlackLab.
But at some point, you're going to want to run it yourself so you can experiment with your own data.
Before you can search your data using BlackLab, you'll need to:
- Install BlackLab
- Prepare your data
- Index your data
Let's go over these one by one.
Install BlackLab
The web service, BlackLab Server, can be used from any programming language and offers a simple REST API (also called a web service).
Using BlackLab as a (JVM) library
BlackLab is also available in library form. It is written in Java, so it can be used from any JVM language (Java, Kotlin, Scala, etc.).
This guide will look at BlackLab Server. If you're interested in the JVM library, see the Developers section.
You will need a JVM version of 11 or higher to use the latest BlackLab versions. Also install Apache Tomcat 9. For example, on Ubuntu:
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk tomcat9
Create an empty directory where you want to store your indexed corpora. Make sure it has the permissions you require. For example:
# Create directory
sudo mkdir -p /data/blacklab-corpora
# Make sure you own it, so you can create corpora there
sudo chown -R $USER:$GROUP /data/blacklab-corpora
# Make sure it's world-readable so Tomcat can read it
chmod -R a+rx /data/blacklab-corpora
Now create a directory /etc/blacklab
with a file named blacklab-server.yaml
# Create directory
sudo mkdir /etc/blacklab
# Create empty config file and take ownership of it
sudo touch /etc/blacklab/blacklab-server.yaml
sudo chown $USER:$GROUP /etc/blacklab/blacklab-server.yaml
# Make sure Tomcat can access the directory and file
sudo chmod -R a+rX /etc/blacklab
(NOTE: if you cannot create a directory under /etc/
, see the TIP under configuration file for alternatives)
Now, edit the file /etc/blacklab/blacklab-server.yaml
using a text editor:
configVersion: 2
# Where indexes can be found
# (list directories whose subdirectories are indexes, or directories containing a single index)
- /data/blacklab-corpora
On the GitHub releases page, find the latest stable version (usually at the top) and download the attached file named blacklab-server-VERSION.war
. Place this file in Tomcat's webapps
directory. Tomcat should automatically recognize the file and initialize the application (usually, it will extract it to a subdirectory).
Now go to https://localhost:8080/blacklab-server/ (or substitute the hostname of the server you've installed it on if not running locally) and you should see an XML response from BlackLab.
(learn more about BlackLab Server)
Prepare your data
In order to search your data using BlackLab, it needs to be in a supported format, and it needs to be indexed by BlackLab.
Supported formats
BlackLab supports a number of input formats, but the most well-known are TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) and FoLiA (Format for Linguistic Annotation). These are both XML formats. If your data is not already in one of the supported formats, you need to convert it. (see the next section if you want to use a test dataset instead of your own)
BlackLab needs tokenized data files as input. That means the word boundaries have already been determined and BlackLab can just index each word as it parses the input file.
It is possible to configure BlackLab to perform the necessary tokenizing and tagging; see Convert/Tag plugins.
One way to convert your data is using our tool OpenConvert, which can generate TEI or FoLiA from txt, doc(x) or html files, among others. After conversion, you can tag the files using a tool such as Frog.
A web-based user interface for converting and tagging (Dutch) input files is available. You will need a account (more information).
Testing with the Brown corpus
If you can't use your own data yet, we've provided a tokenized, annotated TEI version of the Brown corpus for you to test with.
NOTE: to index this version of the Brown corpus, use the tei-p5-legacy
input format.
Brown corpus
The Brown corpus is a corpus compiled in the 1960s by Nelson Francis and Henry Kucera at Brown University. It is small by today's standard (500 documents, 1M words). It was converted to TEI format by Lou Burnard. It is available from under the CC-BY-NC 3.0 license, but we've created our own version which includes lemmata.
(Please note that we didn't check the lemmatization, and it probably contains errors - useful for testing purposes only!)
Index the data
There's a commandline tool to create a corpus called IndexTool
. To use it, also download the blacklab-core-VERSION.jar from the GitHub releases page and extract it somewhere convenient.
From this directory, run the IndexTool without parameters for help information:
java -cp "blacklab-VERSION.jar:lib"
(NOTE: replace VERSION with the correct version. blacklab-VERSION.jar
and the lib
subdirectory containing required libraries should be located in the current directory; if not, prefix it with the correct directory)
(if you're on Windows, replace the classpath separator colon :
with a semicolon ;
We want to create a new index, so we need to supply an index directory, input file(s) and an input format:
java -cp "blacklab-VERSION.jar:lib" create INDEX_DIR INPUT_FILES FORMAT
If you specify a directory as the INPUT_FILES
, it will be scanned recursively. You can also specify a file glob (such as *.xml) or a single file. If you specify a .zip or .tar.gz file, BlackLab will automatically index its contents.
For example, if you have TEI-P5 data in /tmp/my-tei/
and want to create an index /data/blacklab-corpora/my-corpus
, run the following command:
java -cp "blacklab-VERSION.jar" create /data/blacklab-corpora/my-corpus /tmp/my-tei/ tei-p5
(NOTE: for the included Brown corpus data, use the tei-p5-legacy
input format)
Your data is indexed and placed in a new BlackLab corpus in the /data/blacklab-corpora/my-corpus
TIP: Give Java enough memory
Please note that if you're indexing very large files, you should give java more than the default heap memory, using the -Xmx
option. For really large files, and if you have the memory, you could use -Xmx 6G
, for example.
TIP: TEI variants
BlackLab now includes three TEI variants: tei-p5
(TEI-P5 using the pos
attribute), tei-p5-legacy
(same but using the nonstandard type
attribute for part of speech) and tei-p4-legacy
(TEI-P4 using the type
attribute). Make sure you pick the right variant for you, or copy one of the tei-*.blf.yaml
files and customize it to your needs.
See also:
- Adding a new input format (if your format isn't supported yet and you don't want to convert)
- Indexing in detail
Testing your index
BlackLab Server
If your corpus was created as a subdirectory of the indexLocation
you configured above (/data/blacklab-corpora
in the above example), BlackLab Server should pick it up automatically. You can test this by going to http://localhost:8080/blacklab-server/my-corpus. If it worked, you should see metadata about your corpus.
Command line QueryTool
TODO: move to /development/
BlackLab Core includes a very basic command-based query tool useful for testing and debugging. To query the index you just created using this tool, type:
java -cp "blacklab-VERSION.jar:lib" /data/blacklab-corpora/my-corpus
The query tool supports several query languages, but it will start in CorpusQL mode. A few hints:
- Enclose each word between double quotes:
"the" "egg"
searches for "the" followed by "egg" - You can user regular expressions:
searches for words ending with 'g' - If you want to get more of a feel for what kinds of matches were found, try grouping by matched text using the command "group match". Then, if you want to view one of the groups, use
group *n*
Type "help" to see a list of commands.
See also:
Corpus search application
BlackLab Frontend is our corpus search application. It is easy to install; see its (GitHub page) for instructions.
TODO: quick install info here.
A simple script
If you want to access your corpus using a script, that is easy as well.
Below is an example in Python. It performs a CQL query and shows matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import json
def words(context):
""" Convert word array to string. """
return " ".join(context['word'])
def search(cqlQuery):
""" Search and show hits. """
url = "http://localhost:8080/blacklab-server/my-corpus/hits?patt=" + \
urllib.parse.quote_plus(cqlQuery) + "&outputformat=json"
f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
response = json.loads('utf-8'))
hits = response['hits']
docs = response['docInfos']
for hit in hits:
# Show the document title and hit information
doc = docs[hit['docPid']]
print(words(hit['left']) + " [" + words(hit['match']) + "] " + \
words(hit['right']) + " (" + doc['title'][0] + ")")
# "Main program"
search('[pos="a.*"] "fox"')
More examples can be found here.