Using from different languages
Below are examples of using the REST API to fetch hits for a simple BlackLab Corpus Query Language query from different programming languages.
JavaScript / TypeScript
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
// The BlackLab Server url for searching "mycorpus" (not a real URL)
var BASE_URL = "";
// Show an array of hits in a table
function showHits(hits, docs) {
// Context of the hit is passed in arrays, per annotation
// (word/lemma/PoS). Right now we only want to display the
// words. This is how we join the word array to a string.
function words(context) {
return context['word'].join(" ");
// Iterate over the hits.
// We'll add elements to the html array and join it later to produce our
// final HTML.
var html = ["<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Keyword in context</th></tr>"];
$.each(hits, function (index, hit) {
// Add the document title and the hit information
var doc = docs[hit['docPid']];
html.push("<tr><td>" + doc['title'][0] + "</td><td>" + words(hit['left']) +
" <b>" + words(hit['match']) + "</b> " + words(hit['right']) +
output(html.join("\n")); // Join lines and append to output area
// Main program: performs a search and shows the results
function performSearch(patt) {
// Clear the output area
// Carry out the request and call the showHits function
url: BASE_URL + "hits",
dataType: "json",
data: {
patt: patt
success: function (response) {
// Got results. Show the hits, along with the document titles.
showHits(response['hits'], response['docInfos']);
// Clear output area
function clear() {
// Add HTML to the output area
function output(addHtml) {
Python 3
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import json
def words(context):
""" Convert word array to string. """
return " ".join(context['word'])
def search(cqlQuery):
""" Search and show hits. """
url = "" + \
urllib.parse.quote_plus(cqlQuery) + "&outputformat=json"
f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
response = json.loads('utf-8'))
hits = response['hits']
docs = response['docInfos']
for hit in hits:
# Show the document title and hit information
doc = docs[hit['docPid']]
print(words(hit['left']) + " [" + words(hit['match']) + "] " + \
words(hit['right']) + " (" + doc['title'][0] + ")")
# "Main program"
search('[pos="a.*"] "fox"')
Python 2.7
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
import urllib
import json
def words(context):
""" Convert word array to string. """
return " ".join(context['word'])
def search(cqlQuery):
""" Search and show hits. """
url = "" + \
urllib.quote_plus(cqlQuery) + "&outputformat=json"
f = urllib.urlopen(url)
response = json.loads(
hits = response['hits']
docs = response['docInfos']
for hit in hits:
# Show the document title and hit information
doc = docs[hit['docPid']]
print(words(hit['left']) + " [" + words(hit['match']) + "] " + \
words(hit['right']) + " (" + doc['title'][0] + ")")
# "Main program"
search('[pos="a.*"] "fox"')
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
import org.json.simple.*;
class BlackLabServerTest {
/** The BlackLab Server url for searching "mycorpus" (not a real URL) */
final static String BASE_URL = "";
/** Fetch the specified URL and decode the returned JSON.
* @param url the url to fetch
* @return the page fetched
public static JsonNode fetch(String url) throws Exception {
// Read from the specified URL.
InputStream is = new URL(url).openStream();
try {
String line;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
return new JsonNode(b.toString());
} finally {
/** Context of the hit is passed in arrays, per annotation
* (word/lemma/PoS). Right now we only want to display the
* words. This is how we join the word array to a string.
* @param context context structure containing word, lemma, PoS.
* @return the words joined together with spaces.
static String words(JsonNode context) {
JsonNode words = (JsonNode)context.get("word");
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
if (b.length() > 0)
b.append(" ");
return b.toString();
/** Show an array of hits in an HTML table.
* @param hits the hits structure from the JSON response
* @param docs the docInfos structure from the JSON response
public static void showHits(JsonNode hits, JsonNode docs) {
// Iterate over the hits.
// We'll add elements to the html array and join it later to produce our
// final HTML.
StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
html.append("<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Keyword in context</th></tr>\n");
for (int i = 0; i < hits.length(); i++) {
JsonNode hit = (JsonNode)hits.get(i);
// Add the document title and the hit information
JsonNode doc = (JsonNode)docs.get((String)hit.get("docPid"));
// Context of the hit is passed in arrays, per annotation
// (word/lemma/PoS). Right now we only want to display the
// words. This is how we join the word array to a string.
String left = words((JsonNode)hit.get("left"));
String match = words((JsonNode)hit.get("match"));
String right = words((JsonNode)hit.get("right"));
html.append("<tr><td>" + (String)doc.get("title").get(0) + "</td><td>" + left +
" <b>" + match + "</b> " + right + "</td></tr>\n");
System.out.println(html.toString()); // Join lines and output
/** Performs a search and shows the results.
* @param patt the pattern to search for
public static void performSearch(String patt) throws Exception {
// Carry out the request and call the showHits function
String url = BASE_URL + "hits?patt=" + URLEncoder.encode(patt, "utf-8") + "&outputformat=json";
JsonNode response = fetch(url);
// Got results. Show the hits, along with the document titles.
JsonNode hits = (JsonNode)response.get("hits");
JsonNode docs = (JsonNode)response.get("docInfos");
showHits(hits, docs);
/** Main method.
* @param argv command-line arguments
public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
performSearch("[pos=\"a.*\"] \"fox\"");
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
# Convert word array to string.
words <- function(context) {
return(paste(context[['word']], collapse=" "))
# Search and show hits.
search <- function(cqlQuery) {
url <- paste("",
curlEscape(cqlQuery), "&outputformat=json", sep="")
lines <- suppressWarnings(readLines(url)) # suppress "Incomplete final line"
response <- fromJSON(paste(lines, collapse=""))
docs <- response[['docInfos']]
hits <- response[['hits']]
for(hit in hits) {
# Add the document title and the hit information
doc <- docs[[ hit[['docPid']] ]];
" [", words(hit[['match']]), "] ", words(hit[['right']]),
" (", doc[['title']][[0]], ")\n", sep="", collapse="\n"))
invisible(search('[pos="a.*"] "fox"'))
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
# The BlackLab Server url for searching "mycorpus" (not a real URL)
# Simulate fetching URL?
DEBUG = true
def fetch(url)
""" Fetch the specified URL and decode the returned JSON. """
print "Simulate fetch from #{url}"
url = 'testdata/test.json'
return JSON.parse(open(url).read)
def showHits(hits, docs)
""" Show an array of hits in a table """
# Context of the hit is passed in arrays, per annotation
# (word/lemma/PoS). Right now we only want to display the
# words. This is how we join the word array to a string.
def words(context)
return context['word'].join(" ")
print "<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Keyword in context</th></tr>\n"
hits.each do |hit|
# Show the document title and hit information
doc = docs[hit['docPid']]
print "<tr><td>#{doc['title'][0]}</td>" +
"<td>#{words(hit['left'])} <b>#{words(hit['match'])}</b> " +
print "</table>\n"
def performSearch(patt)
""" Main program: performs a search and shows the results """
# Carry out the request and parse the response JSON
response = fetch("#{BASE_URL}hits?patt=#{URI::encode(patt)}&outputformat=json")
# Show the hits, along with the document titles
showHits(response['hits'], response['docInfos'])
performSearch('[pos="a.*"] "fox"')
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
// The BlackLab Server url for searching "mycorpus" (not a real URL)
define("BASE_URL", "");
// Fetch the specified URL and decode the returned JSON.
function fetch($url) {
// Read from the specified URL.
$responseTxt = file_get_contents($url);
return json_decode($responseTxt, true);
// Show an array of hits in a table
function showHits($hits, $docs) {
print "<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Keyword in context</th></tr>\n";
// Context of the hit is passed in arrays, per annotation
// (word/lemma/PoS). Right now we only want to display the
// words. This is how we join the word array to a string.
function words($context) {
return join(" ", $context['word']);
foreach($hits as $hit) {
// Get the document metadata so we can print the title.
$doc = $docs[$hit['docPid']];
// Show the hit information
$tableRow = "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s <b>%s</b> %s</td></tr>\n";
print sprintf($tableRow, $doc['title'][0], words($hit['left']),
words($hit['match']), words($hit['right']));
print "</table>";
// Main program: performs a search and shows the results
function performSearch($patt) {
// Carry out the request and parse the response JSON
$response = fetch(BASE_URL."hits?patt=".urlencode($patt))."&outputformat=json";
// Show the hits, along with the document titles
showHits($response['hits'], $response['docInfos']);
// Run the main program
performSearch('[pos="a.*"] "fox"');
Perform a CQL query and show matches in KWIC (keyword in context) format:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WebService::Simple;
use JSON::Parse ':all';
# The BlackLab Server url for searching "mycorpus" (not a real URL)
my $BASE_URL = "";
# Perform the search and decode the returned JSON.
sub fetchSearchResults {
my ($patt) = @_;
my $response;
# Initialize WebService::Simple for JSON webservice
my $blacklab = WebService::Simple->new(
base_url => $BASE_URL,
response_parser => 'JSON'
# Send query
my $responseObj = $blacklab->get("hits", { patt => $patt, outputformat => "json" } );
$response = $responseObj->parse_response;
# Show an array of hits in a table
sub showHits {
my ($hits, $docs) = @_; # Unpack parameters
print "<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Keyword in context</th></tr>\n";
foreach my $hit (@$hits) {
# Get the document metadata so we can print the title.
my $doc = $docs->{$hit->{'docPid'}};
# Context of the hit is passed in arrays, per annotation
# (word/lemma/PoS). Right now we only want to display the
# words. Join the arrays into strings.
my $left = join(" ", @{$hit->{'left'}{'word'}});
my $match = join(" ", @{$hit->{'match'}{'word'}});
my $right = join(" ", @{$hit->{'right'}{'word'}});
# Show the hit information
print "<tr><td>".$doc->{'title'}[0]."</td>".
print "</table>\n";
# Main program: performs a search and shows the results
sub performSearch {
my ($patt) = @_; # Unpack parameters
my $response = &fetchSearchResults($patt);
&showHits($response->{'hits'}, $response->{'docInfos'});
# Run the main program