# API versions

We're evolving the BlackLab web service API over time, using versioning.

There's currently three major versions:

  • 3.0: legacy API version, used by BlackLab up to 3.x
  • 4.0: newer, mostly compatible API version, used by BlackLab 4.x. Adds some keys and endpoints and makes slight changes, mostly to improve consistency and reduce redundancy. The additions are still experimental, just like v5 of the API.
  • 5.0: STILL EXPERIMENTAL. stricter, cleaner version of the 4.0 API, removing parameters and response keys from 3.0. Because this is still experimental, we may make breaking changes. Useful for testing.

To know which API version your BLS defaults to, check the server info page (/). Look for the key blacklabResponse.apiVersion. If this doesn't exist, BLS is using API v3 or lower. If it exists and has the value 4.0 or 5.0, BLS is using that API version.

On any BLS request, include the api parameter to specify which API version to use. So if you want to keep using the older API for now, add api=3. If you don't specify an API version, the default version will be used. If you specify an unsupported API version, e.g. api=2, you will get an error.

To set the default API version, configure parameters.api in your blacklab-server.yaml (or blacklab-webservice.yaml for Solr).

Valid values for API version include:

  • Exact version, e.g. 4.0
  • Major version, e.g. 4 (most recent "regular" release in the 4.x series, i.e. without a -.. suffix)
  • cur or current, the current stable version (currently 4.0)
  • exp or experimental, always points to the highest version available (currently 5.0)

New versions may be added in the future, and support for older versions will eventually be dropped (see the API support roadmap below).

API version numbers roughly match the BlackLab version where they became (or will become) the default API version.

Note that until BlackLab 4.0 is released, any additions to API v4 should be considered experimental. So where it states "you should use this for future compatibility", that really only applies after 4.0 is released.

# API changes from 3.0 to 4.0

API v4.0 is the default API on the development branch and starting from BlackLab 4.0.

Below are all the differences between API version 3.0 and 4.0.

To prepare for API version 5.0 (which will likely be the default in BlackLab 5.0), you should stop using the deprecated features.

# Changed

  • Corpus info page (/CORPUSNAME):
    • Two keys were renamed to be more consistent: in the versionInfo block, blacklabVersion and blacklabBuildTime are now spelled with a lowercase l, just like on the server info page. This is unlikely to break any clients.
  • Annotated fields:
    • displayOrder will no longer include internal annotations (e.g. punct and _relation, previously called starttag), as these are generally not meant to be displayed as search fields.

# Added

  • Server info page:
    • New key added (/): apiVersion (valid values: 3.0, 4.0, 5.0; assume 3.0 if missing)
    • In addition to indices, the new corpora key was added that provides the same information in a slightly different format. You should use corpora instead of indices for future compatibility.
    • In addition to being reported under fieldInfo, pidField is now also a top-level key. You should use this version of the key for future compatibility. (the other special fields in fieldInfo will be moved to custom in v5)
  • Search (hits) operations:
    • The patt parameter may also be specified as a JSON query structure. This will be detected automatically, or you can set pattlang to json to make it explicit.
    • In the JSON response, summary will now include a pattern object containing: a json key that giving the JSON query structure; a bcql key giving the (re-)serialized pattern in BlackLab Corpus Query Language; a fieldName key giving the search field, e.g. "contents"; and a matchInfos key giving the match info groups from the query with their types (span, tag, relation, list). You can use this to convert between the two representations, e.g. for query builders (or use the new /parse-pattern endpoint, see below). The XML response does not contain the json object.
    • In addition to captureGroups, matchInfos will be reported that includes the same information as well as any inline tags and relations matched. You should use this instead of captureGroups for future compatibility.
    • before/after are the new, preferred alternatives to left/right,e.g. when sorting/grouping on context. Not all languages are LTR, so this makes more sense. Existing endpoints still use left/right in the response for compatibility, but new endpoints have been updated as well. These properties can now get a number of tokens as an extra parameter, e.g. before:lemma:i:2.
    • For grouping on context, wordleft/wordright have been deprecated. Use before/after with 1 token instead.
    • context is the new name for the wordsaroundhit parameter and supports more options (separate before/after, whole sentence, etc.)
  • Pages that list values for fields, tags, etc. now support the limitvalues parameter. This parameter defaults to 1000, but can be set higher if you need really long value lists.
  • New endpoints were added for all operations on corpora, at /corpora/CORPUSNAME/... (for now alongside existing endpoints /CORPUSNAME). These endpoints are available in BlackLab v4 but only "speak" API v5 (see below). You should move to these endpoints for future compatibility.
  • A new endpoint /parse-pattern was added that allows you to parse a CorpusQL or JSON query structure pattern without actually executing the search.
  • A new endpoint .../CORPUSNAME/relations that will return all the spans ("inline tags") and relations indexed in the corpus.
  • Doc info on results pages and document info page: the new tokenCounts array gives token counts for all annotated fields. The first annotated field is the main one, which has the same value as lengthInTokens.

# Deprecated

These features still work for now, but will be removed in the future.

  • Server info page:
    • The indices object. Use corpora instead.
    • The top-level fieldInfo object. Instead, use the top-level pidField to find the persistent identifier field. For other special fields, you still have to use fieldInfo, but that will move to custom in API v5.
  • Document info page (/docs/DOC_PID) and results pages: metadataFieldDisplayNames, metadataFieldGroups and docFields are deprecated. This information can be found on the corpus info page, so it should be retrieved from there once.
  • Doc info on results pages and document info page: lengthInTokens is deprecated; use the first object in the tokenCounts array instead, which gives the tokenCount for the main annotated field.
  • Search operations:
    • the wordsaroundhit parameter (use context instead)
    • sort/group properties wordleft,wordright. Use before/after instead with 1 as the number of tokens, e.g. before:lemma:i:1 instead of wordleft:lemma:i.
    • The captureGroups response key. Use matchInfos instead.
  • The old /CORPUSNAME/... endpoints. Use the new /corpora/CORPUSNAME/... endpoints (that respond with API v5 responses) instead.

# API changes from 4.0 to 5.0

API v5.0 will become the default in BlackLab 5.0. Right now it's experimental and can be used for testing. Use api=exp to test that your client works with this API version.

Note that the new endpoints (like /corpora/CORPUSNAME/...) in BlackLab 4.0 always "speak" API v5, so those won't change when going from API v4 to v5. So where we say "changed" or "removed" below, we usually mean that compared to the equivalent old endpoints.

# Removed

All these were deprecated in API v4.0, and v5.0 removes them:

  • Old endpoints related to corpora have been removed. Use the new /corpora/... endpoints introduced in API v4 instead.
  • Server info page removed indices. Use corpora instead.
  • Document info page (/docs/DOC_PID) and results pages no longer include metadataFieldDisplayNames, metadataFieldGroups or docFields. This information can be found on the corpus info page and need not be sent with each document info request.
  • Results pages don't include captureGroups anymore. Use matchInfos instead.

# Changed

These are breaking changes compared to v4.0. Make sure you update your client accordingly.

  • All XML responses:
    • XML responses don't use dynamic values as element names anymore, but instead adopt a <entry><key>...</key><value>...</value></entry> structure. This avoids problems with and simplifies maintaining the (less-used) XML format. Mainly affects summary/searchParams, docInfos, users[] in /sharing response.
    • Wherever the XML used attributes for map entries, e.g. <entry key="key">value</entry>, this was changed to <entry><key>...</key><value>...</value></entry> as well.
  • server, corpus, field info:
    • indexName in responses has been replaced with corpusName.
    • Corpora, metadata and annotated field and annotations report certain properties (such as displayName, description) inside a custom block now etc. These are all ignored by BlackLab but may be useful for client applications such as BlackLab Frontend. They are only included in responses if you specify custom=true.
  • Results pages:
    • summary has been restructured to group related values together. Keys have been renamed for clarity.
    • response keys left/right have been replaced with before/after in the /hits response.
    • docInfos now have a metadata subobject instead of mixing metadata with mayView and lengthInTokens.

# API support roadmap

This is how we intend to evolve BlackLab Server and Frontend with respect to API version support:

  • [x] BlackLab v4.0 alpha/beta
    • [ ] deprecate API v3 (responses include a "deprecation warning key")
    • [x] add API v4 (adds endpoints, transitional; default API)
    • [x] add API v5 experimental (enforces exclusive use of new endpoints)
  • [ ] Frontend v4.0: start using API v4: use new endpoints if available, fall back to v3 endpoints if not (for now). So if the BLS you're talking to supports v4 (check server info page if blacklabResponse.apiVersion exists and is >= 4):
    • [ ] use /relations to get list of tags
    • [ ] from server info page, use corpora key instead of deprecated indices key.
    • [ ] use /corpora/CORPUSNAME/... endpoints
  • [ ] BlackLab v4.0 release
    • [ ] API v4/5 finalized
  • [ ] BlackLab v5.0:
    • [ ] switch default to API v5.
    • [ ] deprecate API v4.
    • [ ] remove deprecated API v3.
  • [ ] Frontend v5.0: drop support for API v3 and v4 (use new endpoints exclusively). Test this by passing api=5 to BLS (enforces only new endpoints). Frontend should still work with BlackLab 4.0 at this point (because that already supported API v5; it just wasn't the default).
  • [ ] BlackLab v6.0:
    • [ ] remove deprecated API v4