# List spans and relations

Return an overview of spans ("inline tags") and relations classes and types in the corpus, and their approximate frequencies.

NOTE: as a technical detail, spans are a special relation type with the builtin relation class __tag, but by default, we report them separately for convenience.

NOTE2: the reported frequencies don't take deleted documents into account. Therefore, if you've deleted documents, the frequencies may not be accurate.

URL : /blacklab-server/<corpus-name>/relations

Method : GET

Parameter Description
field Annotated field to get relations for. If omitted, the main annotated field is used.
classes Comma-separated list of relations classes to return. If omitted, return all relations classes.
onlyspans If true, only returns spans. Equivalent to classes=__tag. Default: false
separatespans If true (the default), return spans differently than other relations. Set to false to return them as a regular relation with class __tag.
limitvalues Maximum number of values to return for attributes. Default: 1000

# Success Response

Code : 200 OK

# Content examples

Result for /relations:

    "spans": {
        "p": {
            "attributes": {
                "fixed": {
                    "valueListComplete": true,
                    "values": {
                        "true": 1,
                        "false": 2
            "count": 3
    "relations": {
        "dep": {
            "nsubj": {
                "count": 1
            "nobj": {
                "count": 2
            "nmod": {
                "count": 3
        "fam": {
            "mother": {
                "count": 1
            "father": {
                "count": 2
            "sibling": {
                "attributes": {
                    "gender": {
                        "valueListComplete": true,
                        "values": {
                            "male": 1,
                            "female": 2,
                            "other": 1
                "count": 4

Result for /relations?onlyspans=true:

    "spans": {
        "p": {
            "attributes": {
                "fixed": {
                    "valueListComplete": true,
                    "values": {
                        "true": 1,
                        "false": 2
            "count": 3

Result for /relations?classes=fam:

    "relations": {
        "fam": {
            "mother": {
                "count": 1
            "father": {
                "count": 2
            "sibling": {
                "attributes": {
                    "gender": {
                        "valueListComplete": true,
                        "values": {
                            "male": 1,
                            "female": 2,
                            "other": 1
                "count": 4

Result for /relations?separatespans=false:

    "relations": {
        "__tag": {
            "p": {
                "attributes": {
                    "fixed": {
                        "valueListComplete": true,
                        "values": {
                            "true": 1,
                            "false": 2
                "count": 3
        "dep": {
            "nsubj": {
                "count": 1
            "nobj": {
                "count": 2
            "nmod": {
                "count": 3
        "fam": {
            "mother": {
                "count": 1
            "father": {
                "count": 2
            "sibling": {
                "attributes": {
                    "gender": {
                        "valueListComplete": true,
                        "values": {
                            "male": 1,
                            "female": 2,
                            "other": 1
                "count": 4