# Corpus status

The current status of a corpus, plus some basic metadata. See notes below.

URL : /blacklab-server/<corpus-name>/status

Method : GET

# Success Response

Code : 200 OK

# Content examples

  "indexName": "BaB",
  "displayName": "Brieven als Buit",
  "description": "Approximately 40,000 Dutch letters sent by sailors from the second half of the 17th to the early 19th centuries.",
  "status": "available",
  "documentFormat": "zeebrieven",
  "timeModified": "2020-12-08 10:06:26",
  "tokenCount": 459354

# Notes

The status field indicates whether or not the corpus is available for searching. While the corpus is being indexed, the status will be indexing and it will not be available for searching. A corpus that was just created will have a status of empty.

The /corpus/<corpus-name> endpoint also returns this information, but this transfers less data if you need to check the status regularly.