# Error and status responses

BLS can return these error and status codes. The associated human-readable message is informational only and can be shown to the user if you want; note though that the precise wording may change in future versions. The codes in the left column will not change and may be used to show your own custom messages (e.g. translations).

Operations that do not return status or error codes and messages (which is all succesful retrieval operations) will always set the HTTP status to "200 OK".

HTTP status Error code Error message
200 OK (no code) (no message, just search results)
200 OK SUCCESS Index deleted succesfully.
201 Created SUCCESS Index created succesfully.
202 Accepted SUCCESS Documents uploaded succesfully; indexing started.
400 Bad Request UNKNOWN_OPERATION Unknown operation. Check your URL.
400 Bad Request NO_DOC_ID Specify document pid.
400 Bad Request NO_FILTER_GIVEN Document filter required. Please specify 'filter' parameter.
400 Bad Request FILTER_SYNTAX_ERROR Error parsing FILTERLANG filter query: ERRORMESSAGE
(NOTE: see Lucene query syntax)
400 Bad Request UNKNOWN_FILTER_LANG Unknown filter language ' FILTERLANG '. Supported: SUPPORTED_LANGS.
400 Bad Request NO_PATTERN_GIVEN Text search pattern required. Please specify 'patt' parameter.
400 Bad Request PATT_SYNTAX_ERROR Syntax error in PATTLANG pattern: ERRORMESSAGE
400 Bad Request UNKNOWN_PATT_LANG Unknown pattern language 'PATTLANG'. Supported: SUPPORTED_LANGS.
400 Bad Request UNKNOWN_GROUP_PROPERTY Unknown group property 'NAME'.
400 Bad Request UNKNOWN_SORT_PROPERTY Unknown sort property 'NAME'.
400 Bad Request ERROR_IN_GROUP_VALUE Parameter 'viewgroup' has an illegal value: GROUPID /
Parameter 'viewgroup' specified, but required 'group' parameter is missing.
400 Bad Request GROUP_NOT_FOUND Group not found: GROUPID
400 Bad Request REGEXP_TOO_LARGE Regular expression too large. (NOTE: maximum size depends on Java stack size)
400 Bad Request SNIPPET_TOO_LARGE Snippet too large. Maximum size for a snippet is MAXSIZE words.
400 Bad Request ILLEGAL_BOUNDARIES Illegal word boundaries specified. Please check parameters.
400 Bad Request HIT_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE Non-existent hit number specified.
400 Bad Request CANNOT_CREATE_INDEX Could not create index. REASON
400 Bad Request INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS Could not create index. Index already exists.
400 Bad Request ILLEGAL_INDEX_NAME Illegal index name (only word characters, underscore and dash allowed): INDEXNAME
400 Bad Request CANNOT_UPLOAD_FILE Cannot upload file. REASON
400 Bad Request INDEX_ERROR An error occurred during indexing: MESSAGE
401 Unauthorized NOT_AUTHORIZED Unauthorized operation. REASON
403 Forbidden FORBIDDEN_REQUEST Forbidden request. REASON
405 Method Not Allowed ILLEGAL_REQUEST Illegal GET/POST/PUT/DELETE request. REASON
404 Not Found CANNOT_OPEN_INDEX Could not open index 'NAME'. Please check the name.
404 Not Found DOC_NOT_FOUND Document with pid 'PID' not found.
409 Conflict INDEX_UNAVAILABLE The index 'INDEXNAME' is not available right now. Status: STATUS
429 Too Many Requests TOO_MANY_JOBS You already have too many running searches. Please wait for some previous searches to complete before starting new ones.
500 Internal Server Error INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred. Please contact the administrator.
503 Service Unavailable SERVER_BUSY The server is under heavy load right now. Please try again later.
503 Service Unavailable SEARCH_TIMED_OUT Search took too long, cancelled.