# Using BlackLab Server
Work in progress
This will become a guided introduction to BlackLab Server. See the REST API reference for details about each endpoint.
# Overview
The webservice answers in JSON or XML. Selection of the desired output format can be done two ways:
- by passing the HTTP header
with the valueapplication/json
- by passing an extra parameter
with the valuejson
If both are specified, the parameter has precedence.
We'll usually use JSON in our examples.
# Running results count
BlackLab Server is mostly stateless: a particular URL will always result in the same response. An exception to this is the running result count. When you're requesting a page of results, and there are more results to the query, BlackLab Server will retrieve these results in the background. It will report how many results it has retrieved and whether it has finished or is still retrieving.
A note about retrieving versus counting. BLS has two limits for processing results: maximum number of hits to retrieve/process and maximum number of hits to count. Retrieving or processing hits means the hit is stored and will appear on the results page, is sorted, grouped, faceted, etc. If the retrieval limit is reached, BLS will still keep counting hits but will no longer store them.
# Examples
There's code examples of using BlackLab Server from a number of different programming languages.
Below are examples of individual requests to BlackLab Server.
NOTE: for clarity, double quotes have not been URL-encoded.
# Searches
All occurrences of “test” in the “opensonar” corpus (CorpusQL query)
All documents having “guide” in the title and “test” in the contents, sorted by author and date, results 61-90
http://blacklab.ivdnt.org/blacklab-server/opensonar/docs?filter=title:guide&patt="test"& sort=field:author,field:date&first=61&number=30
Occurrences of “test”, grouped by the word left of each hit
Documents containing “test”, grouped by author
Larger snippet around a hit:
# Information about a document
Metadata of document with specific PID
The entire original document
The entire document, with occurrences of “test” highlighted (with <hl/> tags)
Part of the document (embedded in a <blacklabResponse>
root element; BlackLab makes sure the resulting XML is well-formed)
# Information about indices
Information about the webservice; list of available indices
http://blacklab.ivdnt.org/blacklab-server/ (trailing slash optional)
Information about the “opensonar” corpus (structure, fields, (sub)annotations, human-readable names)
http://blacklab.ivdnt.org/blacklab-server/opensonar/ (trailing slash optional)
Information about the “opensonar” corpus, include all values for "pos" annotation (listvalues is a comma-separated list of annotation names):
Information about the “opensonar” corpus, include all values for "pos" annotation and any subannotations (listvalues may contain regexes):
Autogenerated XSLT stylesheet for transforming whole documents (only available for configfile-based XML formats):