# Document contents

Retrieve the original input document, presuming it's stored in the corpus (it is by default).

URL : /blacklab-server/<corpus-name>/docs/<pid>/contents

Method : GET

# Parameters

All parameters are optional. wordstart and wordend refer to token position in a document, 0-based.

Partial contents XML output will be wrapped in <blacklabResponse/> element to ensure a single root element.

Parameter Description
patt Pattern to highlight in the document. <hl>...</hl> tags will be added to highlight hits.
field Annotated field to get snippet for. (default: main annotated field)
(NOTE: in case of a parallel corpus, you can shorten this to only the version, e.g. nl if you want to get the contents for field contents__nl)
searchfield (parallel corpora only) Annotated field that was searched. Used in conjunction with the rfield() function (see relations querying) to highlight the correct hits.
(NOTE: you can shorten this to only the version, e.g. nl if you searched field contents__nl)
wordstart First word position we want returned. -1 for document start.
NOTE: when greater than -1, any content before the first word will not be included in the response!
wordend First word position we don't want returned. -1 for document end.
NOTE: when greater than -1, any content after the last word will not be included in the response!
adjusthits (relations queries only) should query hits be adjusted so all matched relations are inside the hit? Default: no

# Success Response

Code : 200 OK

# Content examples

(the original input document, be it XML or some other format)