# Document snippet

Get a snippet of the document.

URL : /blacklab-server/<corpus-name>/docs/<pid>/snippet

Method : GET

# Parameters

All position elements refer to token position in a document, 0-based.

You should either specify wordstart and wordend for a snippet without a hit, or hitstart, hitend and (optionally) context for a snippet around a hit.

Partial contents XML output will be wrapped in <blacklabResponse/> element to ensure a single root element.

Parameter Description
wordstart First word of the snippet/part of the document we want.
wordend First word after the snippet/part of the document we want. -1 for the last word.
hitstart First word of the hit we want a snippet around (default: 0)
hitend First word after the hit we want a snippet around (default: 1)
context (formerly wordsaroundhit) When specifying hitstart and hitend, this specifies how much context around the hit we want in our snippet. Examples: 5 gives 5 words around hit, 5:10 gives 5 before and 10 after, s returns full sentences (if s is an inline tag in your data)
field Annotated field to get the contents for. (default: main annotated field)
(NOTE: in case of a parallel corpus, you can shorten this to only the version, e.g. nl if you want to get the contents for field contents__nl)
usecontent fi or orig. fi (default) uses the forward index to reconstruct document content (for snippets and concordances; inline tags are lost in the process), orig uses the original XML from the content store (slower but more accurate).
NOTE: using the original content may cause problems with well-formedness; these are fixed automatically, but the fix may result in inline tags in strange places (e.g. a start-sentence tag that is not at the start of the sentence anymore)
escapexmlfragment when using usecontent=orig and XML response, should fragments be escaped as CDATA or not? Default: false for API v4 and older, true for v5+.
listvalues Comma-separated list of annotation names to include. By default, all annotations are included.

# Success Response

Code : 200 OK

# Content examples

Response with hitstart and hitend:

  "docPid": "bab0604",
  "start": 50,
  "end": 51,
  "left": {
    "punct":[" "],
    "lempos":["de \/ PD(subtype=art)"],
  "match": {
    "punct":[" "],
    "lempos":["negende \/ NUM"],
  "right": {
    "punct":[" "],
    "lempos":["augustus \/ NOU-C"],