# Parse a pattern without searching

Parse a text pattern, returning the JSON query structure without actually executing the search.

This operation can be useful when e.g. building a query parser, especially if you want to be able to switch back and forth between the query parser and an input field where the user can manually enter BlackLab Corpus Query Language.

If you don't specify pattlang, the pattern type passed in patt will be autodetected (CorpusQL or JSON query structure). But if you know you're passing in JSON, it's best to set pattlang to json. This will give a relevant error message if parsing fails.

NOTE: this operation only supports the JSON response type. Requesting XML will result in an error.

URL : /blacklab-server/<corpus-name>/parse-pattern

Method : GET

# Parameters

The patt parameter is required.

Parameter Description
patt BlackLab Corpus Query Language (BCQL) pattern to search for
pattlang pattern language to use for patt. Defaults to bcql (BlackLab Corpus Query Language). The other values (contextql and luceneql) have very limited support at the moment. Other, more useful query languages may be added in the future.
adjusthits (relations queries only) should query hits be adjusted so all matched relations are inside the hit? Default: no

NOTE: pattgapdata is not supported for this endpoint! (this is a rarely-used feature that might be removed in the future)

# Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Note: if parsing the pattern fails, the request will still succeed, but the response will contain an error message (in parsed.error).

# Content examples

In the result object, params contains the parameters passed in, and parsed contains the parsed pattern, both in JSON query structure form and as re-serialized CorpusQL.

The re-serialized CorpusQL may have slight differences from your input CorpusQL, e.g. extra or fewer parentheses, but they should be semantically identical.

Result for /parse-pattern?patt=%27de%27:

    "params": {
        "patt": "[word='de']",
        "pattlang": "default"
    "parsed": {
        "bcql": "[word='de']",
        "json": {
            "type": "regex",
            "value": "de",
            "annotation": "word"

Result for /parse-pattern?outputformat=json&patt=%7B"type"%3A"posfilter"%2C"producer"%3A%7B"type"%3A%20"regex"%2C"value"%3A%20"de"%7D%2C"filter"%3A%20%7B"type"%3A%20"tags"%2C"name"%3A%20"s"%7D%2C"operation"%3A%20"within"%7D:

  "params": {
    "patt": "{\"type\":\"posfilter\",\"producer\":{\"type\": \"regex\",\"value\": \"de\"},\"filter\": {\"type\": \"tags\",\"name\": \"s\"},\"operation\": \"within\"}",
    "pattlang": "default"
  "parsed": {
    "bcql": "'de' within <s/>",
    "json": {
      "type": "posfilter",
      "producer": {
        "type": "regex",
        "value": "de"
      "filter": {
        "type": "tags",
        "name": "s"
      "operation": "within"

# Notes

  • it is in theory possible to create a JSON query structure that cannot be (re-)serialized to BlackLab Corpus Query Language, although structures from parsing CorpusQL can always be reserialized of course. Should serialization fail, the corpusql key will be missing from the response and the corpusql-error key will indicate why the pattern couldn't be serialized.

# JSON query structure

type properties CorpusQL equivalent Notes
and clauses clauses[0] & ...
anytoken min[,max] []{min,max}
max omitted if there is no limit
capture clause,capture capture:(clause) clause will be captured using name capture
constrained clause,constraint clause :: constraint e.g. A:[] 'and' B:[] :: A.word = B.word
defval _ used in relations queries ("don't care" value) and function calls ("use default value")
not clause !clause
or clauses clauses[0] \| ...
posfilter producer,filter,operation[, ...] producer within filter
producer containing filter
When parsing CorpusQL, you will only get producer,filterandoperation(which will bewithinorcontaining`). Other parameters are used internally.
callfunc name,args name(...args) E.g. rel('det', [])
regex value[,annotation,sensitivity] [annotation="value"]
sensitivity is used internally.
relmatch parent,children parent -->children[0] ; ... See reltarget for the child clauses.
reltarget reltype,clause[,negate,spanmode,direction,capture] -reltype-> clause
!-reltype-> clause
^-reltype-> clause
capture:-reltype-> clause
negate defaults to false, spanmode to source, direction to both, capture to empty string. Set direction to root and spanmode to target for root relations (relations without a source).
repeat clause,min[,max] clause{min,max}
sequence clauses clauses[0] ...
tags name[,attributes,adjust,capture] <name att0key="att0value" ... />

The following should never be produced by parsing a CorpusQL query, but are still available if needed:

type properties CorpusQL equivalent Notes
edge clause,trailingEdge (none) Returm leading edge of clause if trailingEdge is false, trailing edge otherwise.
expansion clause,direction,min[,max] e.g. clause []{min,max} max omitted if there is no limit
filterngrams Used for optimization of certain queries, e.g. []{2,3} within <s/>.
fixedspan Used to get a specific span from start to end
term Terms in CorpusQL queries are always parsed as regexes.


  • Document JSON query structure (probably on a separate page)