# Create user corpus

Add a user corpus.

URL : /blacklab-server

Method : POST

Auth required: YES

# Parameters

  • name: name for the new corpus. Must start with the user id, followed by a :, followed by a short index name (which must consist of letters, digits, underscore _, dash - or period .). Will become part of the URL. Example: (e.g. jan.niestadt@ivdnt.org:my-fun-corpus)
  • display: display name for the new corpus (e.g. My fun corpus!)
  • format: default input format name for the new corpus (e.g. tei-p5). Must refer to an available input format.

# Success Response

Code : 201 Created

# Content example

    code: "SUCCESS",
    message: "Index created succesfully."

# Error Response

Code: 403 Forbidden

# Content example

    message: "You can only create indices in your own private area."

# Notes

The URL for the new corpus will be /blacklab-server/userid:name/, so e.g. /blacklab-server/jan.niestadt@ivdnt.org:my-fun-corpus/.

To add documents, POST to /blacklab-server/userid:name/docs/. See here.


  • The response should probably return the URL for the new corpus.