BlackLab Server REST API reference
This documents all of BlackLab Server's endpoints. For a more guided introducion, see the overview.
General notes
API compatibility
Use api=3
or api=4
to specify the API version to use. Differences from 3 to 4 are minor; some inconsistencies are fixed and some redundant information was removed from responses. Configure parameters.api
in your blacklab-server.yaml
to set the default version to use. Support for older version(s) is a transitionary measure and will eventually be dropped.
Full details can be found in API versions.
Output format
To request a specific output format, either:
- pass the HTTP header
with the valueapplication/json
, or - pass the query parameter
with the valuejson
If both are specified, the parameter has precedence.
Notes about CSV
For CSV hits/docs results, the parameters csvsummary
determines whether to include a summary of the search parameters in the output [no]
and csvsepline
determines whether to include a separator declaration that will help Microsoft Excel read the file [no]
can be a comman-separated list of annotations to include in the results. listmetadatavalues
is the same for metadata fields.
If a metadata field has multiple values (e.g. if a document has multiple authors), they will be concatenated with |
as the separator. |
, \n
, \r
and \\
will be backslash-escaped.
As is common in CSV, values may be double-quoted if necessary (e.g. if a value contains a comma). Any double quotes already in the values will be doubled, so say "yes", or "no"?
will become "say ""yes"", or ""no""?"
Root endpoint
This endpoint returns available corpora and server information.
- Corpora and server information :
GET /blacklab-server
Corpus-related endpoints
These endpoints deal with a specific corpus.
All URLs should start with /blacklab-server/<corpus-name>
Information about the corpus
Information about the corpus such as size, documentFormat, fields, and status.
- Corpus information :
- Corpus status :
GET /status
- Field information :
GET /fields/<fieldname>
- Span and relation types :
GET /relations
Find hits or documents
Search for individual matches of a text pattern, or for documents matching criteria.
- Find hits / group hits :
GET /hits
- Parse a pattern without searching :
GET /parse-pattern
- Find documents / group documents :
GET /docs
Information about a document
Retrieve metadata and (parts of) the content of a document.
- Document metadata :
GET /docs/<pid>
- Document contents :
GET /docs/<pid>/contents
- Document snippet :
GET /docs/<pid>/snippet
Other search
- Term frequencies :
GET /termfreq
- Autocomplete :
GET /autocomplete
Manage user corpora
If user authentication and private user corpora are enabled, these can be used to manage the user's own corpora: creating/deleting, adding data and sharing.
All URLs should start with /blacklab-server
- Create user corpus :
- Delete user corpus :
DELETE /<corpus-name>
- Add data to user corpus :
POST /<corpus-name>/docs
- Get user corpus sharing settings :
GET /<corpus-name>/sharing
- Update user corpus sharing settings :
POST /<corpus-name>/sharing
- List corpora shared with me :
GET /shared-with-me
Other global endpoints
These endpoints are not tied to a specific corpus. All URLs should start with /blacklab-server
Input format endpoints
These give you information about input format configurations that BlackLab has access to: built-in formats, external format configuration files it found, and user formats if available.
There's also operations to add, update and delete private user formats; those are only available if user authentication and private user corpora are enabled.
- List input formats :
GET /input-formats
- Add or update input format :
POST /input-formats
- Input format configuration:
GET /input-formats/<name>
- Input format XSLT:
GET /input-formats/<name>/xslt
- Delete input format :
DELETE /input-formats/<name>
Debug endpoints
Can only be used in debug mode.
- Show results cache:
GET /cache-info
- Clear results cache:
POST /cache-clear
- An incomplete list of response codes Blacklab Server will return.